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DACOF Competition Briefing for STANDARD & JUMPERS Classes


DACOF Competition Briefing for STANDARD & JUMPERS Classes


The competition will be judged according to the ISC rules in AKC agility Regulations, Chapter 12, Sections 17 – 19 with some exceptions listed below.


In the Standard & Jumpers classes, everyone starts with a score of 100. 5, 10, or 100 point deductions are made each time faults are incurred. Dogs that run under the Standard Course Time will earn bonus points of one point for every second under course time (to the 1/100th of a second.) Dogs that run over the Standard Course Time will be assessed deductions of one point for every second over course time (to the 1/100th of a second.)


Five (5) point deductions are made for refusals and run-outs. Refusals (stopping or turning away from an obstacle or exiting a contact obstacle before starting descent) and run-outs (running past the correct obstacle) are faulted on all obstacles except the weave poles in the Novice classes. Run-out planes are infinite and are in effect even while a dog is heading towards the wrong obstacle.


 Five (5) point deductions are also made for the following “Standard” faults:

• Running the wrong course, including touching the wrong obstacle with one paw. Only one wrong course penalty will be assessed until the dog has returned to the correct course (regardless of how many wrong obstacles are taken.) 

• Missing a weave pole after correct entry has been achieved (only penalized at the Open & Excellent level). This penalty may be assessed once only. However, missed poles must be re-attempted and completed correctly. Weave poles may be fixed at  any place before the missed pole. 

• Leaving the table prior to completion of the count. This penalty may be assessed once only. However the dog must go back to the table and finish the table with the 5-second count started anew or the obstacle will be considered incomplete. 

• Anticipation of the table count (leaving between the word “One” and the word “Go.”) The obstacle is considered complete and the dog should proceed with the rest of the course.


Ten (10) point deductions are made for the following faults:

• Missed contacts. • Seesaw fly-off.

• Dog knocking over any obstacle (including knocking a bar.)

• Visibly moving or stepping on top of the Broad Jump.

• Handler jumping over, stepping on, or going under or through any obstacle.

• Handler making unintentional contact with the dog or an obstacle, even if it helps the dog stay on course. However, simple clumsiness on the handler’s part should not be faulted.


The following will incur a 100 point penalty:

If unable to complete an obstacle, failure to make three (3) valid attempts at completing the uncompleted obstacle before moving on to the next obstacle.

• Handler intentionally and blatantly touching the dog (ex. tackling the dog to make it hit the contact.)

• Exceeding the Maximum Course Time (40 seconds + Standard Course Time.)


There will be no elimination penalty for exceeding the Refusal or Wrong Course Maximums for each level.


Interference or outside assistance will be faulted at the judge’s discretion from a 5-point to 100-point deduction. Interference is defined as hindering a dog or handler running on course, or while beginning or completing their run. Outside assistance is defined as assistance that aids or is intended to aid the performance of a singular dog or handler. 


Completion of a contact obstacle is defined as the dog beginning descent on the A-frame and dog-walk and tipping the teeter past horizontal. Until the dog has begun descent on the obstacle, refusal faults may be assessed and a dog is subject to the 100-point incompletion fault. Once descent has begun the obstacle is considered complete, but the dog may still be faulted for a seesaw fly-off or for missing a contact zone. Seesaw fly-off is defined as failure to remain in contact with the board until it touches the ground. 


The four-paw safety rule will not be in effect for this competition.


In Open and Excellent, refusals and run-outs on weave poles will be assessed until the correct entry has been achieved. Once the correct entry has been achieved, the dog may only be faulted once for missing a pole regardless of the number of attempts that had to be made in order to complete all the poles. Until the correct entry has been achieved the dog is subject to unlimited refusal or run-out calls. Missed weave poles may be corrected at any point prior to the error. For all levels, there is no maximum number of attempts that a team can make on the weave poles, except as limited by time.


No position is required on the table. The table count will begin when all 4 paws have left the ground and the dog is in contact with the table. Only one standard fault for leaving the table can be assessed regardless of how many times the dog leaves the table. The dog may also be faulted for anticipation of count.


Bars that are knocked will be left down until the dog will not be in that area of the course again. If the dog will be taking that jump again while running the proper course there will be no extra knocked-bar faults assessed unless another bar is displaced from that jump.


Food, toys, clickers, whistles or other training aids are not allowed in the ring at any time during the competition. Leashes are not allowed past the start line while the dog is competing.


Dogs may run with or without a collar. If the handler chooses to have the dog wear a collar, it may not have any attachments (including extra rivets or name plates.) Collars that tighten around the neck (such as choke collars or martingale collars) are not allowed while the dog is performing obstacles.



Refusal or Run-Out: closed fist - R

Standard Course Fault: one open hand - S

Ten point penalty: two open hands - F

100 point penalty: whistle (Short Blast) – E

Excusal: whistle (extended or multiple) – E



When FAST is offered, there will be no extra points awarded for finishing under course time. Failure to successfully complete any of the “Send” sequences will result in no “Bonus” points, but all obstacle points will be retained, subject to time penalties.



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